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Digital Communication

Professional emails: 15 examples for all types of situations


For an email to be clearly understandable, you must always pay attention to the structure. To avoid having to rewrite the entire email each time, it can be useful to have professional email examples at hand. We've rounded up email templates tailored to the situations that matter most to your business. An article to keep on hand to facilitate your daily professional communications!

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Having examples of professional emails on hand: what for?

In professional life, an email is often the first point of contact between a company and potential customers. Ideally, the email should be understandable and convincing. Thus, the interlocutor will probably be attracted by your offer and more inclined to act.

To write a professional email, however, certain instructions must be followed. While wording should never be arbitrary, it may be worth using email templates that define basic standards within the multitude of outgoing emails. Whether it's setting an appointment, presenting a service or an offer: using professional email examples not only saves time, but also ensures the quality of communication.

Examples of professional emails: how to get in touch?

A first contact can deal with a request for an appointment or an exchange for more information on the service offering. This communication lends itself ideally to the use of models.

The examples of emails that you will find below are part of a polite and formal customer relations, which is generally appropriate, especially at the start of an exchange. Depending on the sector of activity and previous exchanges, it is advisable to use appropriate polite expressions, which give a more personal touch to the communication.

Acknowledgment of receipt, for example via a contact form on the company website

Object : Thanks for your interest !

[Madame, / Monsieur,]

We sincerely thank you for your message and your interest in [Nom de votre entreprise] as well as our services.We will respond to your message as soon as possible and remain at your disposal for any additional requests, including a personal meeting if you wish. Until then, you can obtain additional information about our [Produits/Services] by consulting, for example, our social networks on [Lien vers les réseaux sociaux, par exemple, YouTube] or by downloading our [Lien de téléchargement, tel qu’une présentation d’entreprise ou un document technique].


The team of [Nom de votre entreprise]

Relaunch an email professionally

Object : How can we help you more?

[Chère Madame, / Cher Monsieur,]

Some time ago we were in contact regarding [demande/produit/projet]. I would like to pick up this discussion and explore, in a personal meeting or phone call, opportunities for collaboration. Would you be available for an appointment next week?

Yours sincerely,

[Votre nom]

[Votre adresse email]

The personal signature at the end of an email is also decisive in how you want to present yourself to your customers. Practice shows: a clean, clearly structured signature promotes contact, because important information is better captured in the case of a professional email signature.

Welcome new customers

Object : Welcome among us !

[Madame, / Monsieur,]

We are delighted that you have chosen our [Produit/Service]. To facilitate your arrival among us, I have prepared a series of documents that you can consult via the following link: [Lien]. For all your additional questions, do not hesitate to contact me directly, and I will answer them as soon as possible and coordinate all the next steps.

Thanking you,

[Votre nom]

[Votre adresse email]

Follow-up email after the first exchange/meeting

Object : More information on the offer [Nom de votre entreprise] !

[Chère Madame, / Cher Monsieur,]

It was with pleasure that I noted, during our first communication [par email / par téléphone / sur une plateforme de médias sociaux, etc.]your interest in [Nom de votre entreprise]. In the next step, I would like to present to you in more detail our approach in the field of [Nom du sujet].

We could schedule a meeting to discuss in more detail, and/or I could send you additional information documents according to your preferences.

Remaining at your disposal for any additional questions,

[Votre nom]

[Votre adresse email]

Confirmation of appointment

Object : Confirmation of your appointment [date/heure].

[Madame [Nom de l’interlocutrice]/ Sir [Nom de l’interlocuteur],]

I confirm the appointment scheduled for [Date] has [Heure] For [Réunion/Présentation] on our premises / via Microsoft Teams / Zoom, etc. We look forward to this exchange and of course remain at your disposal for any questions.


[Votre nom]

[Votre adresse email]

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Examples of professional emails regarding quotes and invoices

When, after the first interviews, joint projects and potential orders emerge, it is time to send offers! Same thing for invoices once the service has been performed. To save time and increase efficiency, using standard emails is recommended. Then simply indicate the date, invoice number, etc., attach the file in PDF format and send it!

Sending a first quote

Object : Your first personalized quote

[Madame, / Monsieur,]

It is with pleasure that I send you a quote adapted to your request for [Produit/Service]. Attached you will find a detailed document presenting the various points raised during our last exchange. If you have any questions or requests for modifications, I am at your entire disposal.


[Votre nom]

[Votre adresse email]

Follow up with a quote

Object : Follow-up of our proposal of [date]
[Chère Madame [Nom de l’interlocutrice] / Dear Sir [Nom de l’interlocuteur],]

We discussed a quote some time ago for [Produit/Dienstleistung]. Did you receive the offer and have time to review it? Do you have any questions about this or need additional information? I am at your disposal for any clarification.

Please note that this offer is valid until [Date]and after this date, we will have to discuss the desired terms again.

Cordial greetings,

[Votre nom]

[Votre adresse email]

Billing for the service/product sold

Object : Bill [numéro de facture] – to settle before [date]

[Chère Madame, / Cher Monsieur,]

I am sending you the detailed list of [Prestations de travail] carried out so far / [Nom du produit] that you purchased.

Please pay the invoice by [Date] on the professional account indicated in the invoicing document. I remain at your disposal for any questions regarding the information to be provided.

Thanking you in advance,

[Votre nom]

[Votre adresse email]

Reminder in case of unpaid invoice

Object : Payment reminder – invoice #[numéro de facture]

[Madame, / Monsieur,]

I would like to politely remind you that payment of the invoice #[numéro de facture] has not yet been carried out [Date d’échéance]. Please transfer the amount to the indicated account. I am at your disposal for any questions regarding the invoice.

If you have already made this payment, please disregard this email.

Please accept, [Madame / Monsieur]the expression of my highest consideration,

[Votre nom]

[Votre adresse email]

Reminder in case of unpaid invoice within the indicated period

Object : Important: first reminder fees collected for an unpaid invoice

[Chère Madame, / Cher Monsieur,]

I regret to inform you that payment of the invoice [Numéro de facture] has still not been carried out on time and we are therefore obliged, in accordance with the contractual agreement, to charge a reminder fee in the amount of [Montant].

Please pay the invoice immediately to avoid additional reminder fees.

If you have already made a payment, please do not respond to this letter.


[Votre nom]

[Votre email adresse]

A professional company presentation obviously does not only manifest itself in the content of an email: it starts first of all with an appropriate email address! With IONOS, professionals and companies have the opportunity to generate their own desired email addresses and thus convince from the first contact.

Examples of professional emails for prospecting

In addition to regular communication around appointments and invoices, emails are also regularly used as the first contact with new potential clients. Information documents in the form of presentations can also be sent by email upon first contact, like a sort of virtual business card.

Cold prospecting with groups of potential customers

Object : Let yourself be seduced by our offer!

[Madame, Monsieur,]

I discovered your profile via [LinkedIn/Publicité/Conférence]. After viewing more information about your business [sur le site Web/dans la presse, etc.]I am convinced that we can offer you a [Produit/Service] suitable to meet your needs.

We are a company specializing in the field of [Marketing/Automatisation, etc.] and have already advised and supported similar companies such as [Liste des entreprises pertinentes].

I would be happy to present our offer to you in more detail. Would you have a few moments in the coming days to discuss this further, for example the [Proposition de rendez-vous]during a brief [appel téléphonique/visioconférence] ?


[Votre nom]

[Votre adresse email]

Presentation of a product

Object : Launch of a new product – discover the advantages of [Nom du produit] !

[Chère Madame, / Cher Monsieur,]

I would be happy to introduce our new product to you, [Nom du produit]. You will find all the information on this subject in the attached presentation. I would then be happy to present the details in a subsequent discussion and I am at your disposal for any additional questions.


[Votre nom]

[Votre adresse email]

Examples of professional emails: invitations

In the interaction between businesses and new and existing customer groups, there are many opportunities that require proactive communication. This could include invitations to marketing products such as newsletters or presentations, but also on-site meetings to strengthen relationships at events.

Invitation to an event

Object : Invitation to [nom de l’événement] THE [date] has [lieu] !

[Madame, Monsieur,]

I warmly invite you to [nom de l’événement] THE [Date] has [Heure]. The event will take place at [Lieu de l’événement]. Please let me know before [Date] if you participate. I would be happy if we had the opportunity to speak personally and take advantage of this solemn occasion to do so!

While awaiting your response, please accept the expression of my distinguished feelings,

[Votre nom]

[Votre adresse email]

Invitation to a webinar or webinar series

Object : THE [Date]learn everything there is to know about [Nom du sujet] !

[Chère Madame, / Cher Monsieur,]

I invite you to participate in our free webinar on the theme [Nom du sujet]. The webinar will take place on [Date] and is limited to [Nombre] of participants. All documents will be sent to you by email. I look forward to your participation!

Best regards and see you soon,

[Votre nom]

[Votre adresse email]

Subscribe to a newsletter

Object : Stay up to date on [Nom d’un sujet] !

[Chère Madame, / Cher Monsieur,]

Do you already know our exclusive newsletter on the topics [Nom, Nom et Nom] ? All the [X semaines]receive captivating insights from practical experience, giving you insight into [Success Stories / Exemples d’application / Idées de sujets, etc.].

Subscribe today and never miss any of your news on [Thème] future. Click here to join : [Lien]

Best regards,

[Votre nom]

[Votre adresse email]

In summary: the more frequent the communication, the more useful the examples!

The quality of a professional email example depends closely on the context in which it is requested. Email programs offer the ability to save templates, making it convenient to have multiple standard emails of varying lengths available for cold prospecting. The primary objective remains to maintain maximum commercial utility, adapting effectively to different recurring situations.

However, in cases of unforeseen situations, it is better to adapt the emails individually, especially if it is, for example, an email to present an apology. But here too, we have tailored advice for writing the perfect apology email!

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