Digital Communication


Digital Communication

.gbx: opening and purpose of the file extension


Since all possible variants of .gbx are relatively specific and therefore incompatible with many programs, you will likely need specific software to open and edit the file. If your .gbx file is of the Gerber PCB File type dedicated to PCB manipulation, you can use one of the following programs among others to open and modify it:

  • PentaLogix ViewMate
  • Pentalogix View Master
  • GraphiCode GC-Prevue
  • Osmond PCB
  • Cadence OrCAD PCB Designer

If it is a game file from the NADEO company, you can only open the .gbx file if you have also installed the appropriate game. The company uses .gbx among others with the following software:

  • Trackmania (version 1 to 10)
  • Virtual Skipper (version 1 to 5)

If you want to open a Great Budget analysis software text file in .gbx format, you need the Great Budget program published by the Interscape company. The corresponding files are not compatible with any other program.

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