Digital Communication


Digital Communication

How to scan a QR code on Huawei, iPhone…


You have several options for scanning QR codes with a Samsung smartphone. With newer devices, playback works directly through the camera app.

  1. Start the camera to scan a QR code. You can click the icon or quickly press the Stop key twice.
  2. Place the camera directly above the code. As soon as the camera has captured the code, it reads it automatically.
  3. A pop-up window opens. Click on it to display the information associated with the code.

The correct function may not be set if you fail to scan the QR code with your Samsung smartphone. In this case, go to your camera settings and activate the Scan QR codes option. Samsung enables this feature by default.

You can also open the Samsung Internet app. This is a convenient method, especially for older models.

  1. Tap the Samsung Internet app.
  2. Click the three-dash icon in the lower right corner to open the menu.
  3. Then select “Settings”.
  4. Tap « Customize menu ».
  5. Hold the Android QR code reader icon and drag it to your menu.
  6. Go back to your web browser and open the scanner from the menu in the lower right corner.

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