Digital Communication


Digital Communication

QR code reader on PC: procedure


If you want to scan a QR code on your PC more frequently, you can also use one of the many programs available for this purpose. Many of these tools are free. Apart from various providers that allow QR code tracking, the most popular option is probably the CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader & Generator, which not only allows you to scan QR codes in Windows 10, but also to create them by yourself. If you want to use the software to scan a QR code with your PC, follow these steps:

  1. Download the program from the official website of the publisher.
  2. Read and accept the terms and conditions.
  3. Use the Setup Wizard to install the software.
  4. Open the program.
  5. There are four ways to scan a QR code on the PC: directly from the screen (“From screen”), via the webcam (“From webcam”), via a saved image file (“From file” ) or from the clipboard (“From clipboard”). You will find all these options in the upper left corner. Select the appropriate variant.
  6. Now scan the QR code with your PC.

If the attempt fails, it may be because you haven’t set the screen scaling to 100%. To resolve this issue, go to your desktop, right-click and select “Display Settings”. Under “Scaling and layout”, set 100%. This setting is also recommended.

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