Digital Communication


Digital Communication

Delete your iCloud account: how to do it?


If you really want to erase all traces of your iCloud account, you should not just delete it from the device concerned, but make it disappear entirely from Apple’s databases. To do this, you must delete your Apple ID, because the iCloud service is automatically associated with it. However, you must have an ID to use all Apple services; by deleting it, you will no longer have access to any of the Apple functions and your saved data, contacts and settings will also be deleted.

If this is what you want, follow the steps below:

Step 1 : connect to the Apple privacy home page with the relevant Apple ID.

2nd step : select «  Manage your data »then « Delete your account » and « Start ».

Step 3: fill in the reasons for this deletion, then select  » Continue « .

Step 4: Provide contact information that Apple may use to communicate deletion status information to you. You should normally get a access code allowing you to request this deletion.

Step 5: select “Delete Account”. Please note that deleting your Apple account may take up to 7 days.

Step 6: then remove your Apple ID from all your devices by going to your settings and selecting “iTunes & App Store”then  » Sign out « .

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