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Digital Communication

0x80070422: what does this error code mean?


Error 0x80070422 is very often due to a failure to activate the update service. Find out with us how to reactivate it, as well as other methods to correct error 0x80070422.

Error code 0x80070422: what is it?

If you encounter error 0x80070422 this means thata scheduled Windows update cannot be performed. In such a situation, the error message that appears looks like the following: “There were problems installing updates. Please try again later. If the error persists and you want to search the Internet for information or contact support, use the following error code: (0x80070422). « . If antivirus software offered by third-party providers can, in theory, not be the cause of error code 0x80070422, but the most common cause remains the failure to activate the system update service operating. Whatever the reason in your case, discover with us the solutions available to you.

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Enable update service and fix error 0x80070422

If error 0x80070422 appears the first time, you will generally not be able to download the update correctly, even on the second or third try. You must therefore take action yourself to correct this error. Fortunately for you, it is quite simple to activate the update service offered by Windows on your own. To do this, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Start by opening the “Run” window using the keyboard shortcut [Windows] + [R].
  2. Then enter the “services.msc” command in the corresponding field, before confirming your entry using the key [Entrée] or by clicking “OK”.
  3. A long list then appears; look for the “Windows Update” option there, and select it with a double-click.
  4. In the new window that opens, look for the “Startup Type” option. Open the corresponding drop-down menu. This includes four options: “Automatic (delayed start)”, “Automatic”, “Manual” and “Disabled”. Select the “Automatic” option, then click “OK”.
  5. Restart your computer and try running the update again. Error code 0x80070422 should no longer be a problem for you.

Check the system to fix error 0x80070422

If error 0x80070422 persists, it may be caused by a corrupted system file. We therefore advise you to carry out a quick check. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Use the keyboard shortcut again [Windows] + [R]
  2. Enter “cmd” before pressing the keys simultaneously [Ctrl], [Maj] And [Entrée].
  3. Confirm your entry by clicking on “Yes”. You can now continue working with your administrator rights.
  4. Enter the following command, and make sure to execute it completely:
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth


  1. Then run the command below:
  1. Restart your computer and try running the update again. Error 0x80070422 should no longer be a problem for you.

Temporarily disable your antivirus programs

If neither method produces the expected results, it means that error 0x80070422 is most likely caused by antivirus software or your firewall. We therefore advise you to disable any third-party security systems when updating. Once this is completed, you can reactivate all of your programsand thus protect your device as best as possible.

Looking for solutions for another error code? You will surely find the answer to your questions in our digital guide. Check out our previously published articles, which can help you fix the following errors, among other things:

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