Digital Communication


Digital Communication

WordPress Podcast Plugins: Embed a Podcast on Your Website


Whether you’ve decided to host your podcast on a dedicated server or with a specialized provider, most podcast plugins work the same on WordPress.

To facilitate the integration of a new podcast to your WordPress site, the WordPress podcast plugin must be connected to the feed of the dedicated server or the podcast hosting environment. Each plugin normally contains the instructions allowing you to establish a link of this type. If you use an external service provider, you only need to share the WordPress API key with the hosting, for example, so that the corresponding RSS feed is automatically linked to your WordPress dashboard.

You need to start creating an article regarding the new episode of your podcast; to do this, you just need to create a WordPress page. Then load the podcast onto your WordPress dashboard. The installed WordPress podcast plugin then accesses the loaded episode and receives all the necessary information, which it in turn displays on your website. Depending on the plugin you use to broadcast your podcast on WordPress, you can use the settings to specify what information should be displayed and where it is located.

If you call on a hosting service, the plugin transmits the information you previously wrote for your podcast episode. As a general rule, the plugin therefore provides the hosting service with all the details it needs, but the latter cannot modify any of the information transmitted by the plugin.

This ensures that all this information is stored correctly in the long term with the service provider. To ensure their synchronization, the interface between the WordPress podcast plugin and the hosting service is updated with each new load.

Once uploaded, your podcast episodes are therefore available directly on your website, where they can be played. At the same time, most of these plugins allow you to perform detailed analyzes and specific from the WordPress dashboard. All information concerning accesses, execution times, etc., is therefore made available to you. centrallywithout you having to integrate additional analysis tools into your system.

Afterwards, you can also manage all your created content from your WordPress dashboard. This allows you to easily control all the controls related to your podcast and your website centrally.

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