Digital Communication


Digital Communication

What does this English acronym mean?


NSFW stands for “Not Safe For Work” and generally refers to content that is not intended for young people. If you receive emails or links with this abbreviation, avoid opening them at work.

What does NSFW mean?

NSFW is one of many texting abbreviations that, at first glance, seems harmless. However, if you receive a message with this abbreviation at work or at home, it is best not to open it. Likewise, if you find yourself on a website that publishes an article marked NSFW, you should think twice before clicking on the content. NSFW actually means “ Not Safe For Work  » Or  » Not Suitable For Work”, i.e. “Not suitable for work”, and this warning should be taken seriously.

This can include any content considered inappropriate in the professional environment. Most of the time, NSFW are images or videos reserved for adults, in which we can see nudity, violence or pornographic content. The abbreviation NSFW is commonly used on platforms like Reddit or 9Gag, which are not aimed exclusively at adults and therefore need an easy way to report sensitive content. On these portals there are own threads and NSFW filtering possibilities. The NSFW acronym is also found in emails.

How to deal with NSFW content?

There are few workplaces where typical NSFW content is appreciated. In the worst case scenario, you should expect serious consequences if you open this type of content during work hours, especially on a work computer. The consequences and what is permitted while working often depend on corporate culture and compliance agreements. However, to avoid any problems, it is best not to click on those NSFW emails or websites in the office. If the content is sent to you by someone you know, you will be able to open the content after work, on a private computer.

However, if you want to play it safe and avoid misunderstandings, you can mark NSFW messages as spam and have them deleted automatically. Gmail’s spam filter, Outlook’s spam filter or similar programs allow you to easily clear unwanted messages. You should also be aware that your employer may have access to your browsing history and messages. This is precisely why the abbreviation NSFW exists: it warns against content that is not suitable for work.

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