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TPM 2.0: what is Trusted Platform Module 2.0?


With the Trusted Platform Module it defines a chip that is integrated into the schema of a laptop or computer. Due to the functionality of the fundamental security, the TPM will generate a security environment to verify the system integrity, authenticate the user and save the written password. With version 2.0 released in 2018, the TPM has new functionality, the quality of the use of various hash algorithms, personal identifiers and user defined data management.

In brief: what does Trusted Platform Module mean?

I have control mechanism for protection malware, rootkit e ransomware Its contents are made by the users. Another firewall, what if it was also announced antivirus program The authentication is due fattori. In this case, the Trusted Platform Module corresponds to a security chip that serves and aggiungere a livello di sicurezza aggiuntivo has a system.

The TPM chip, which is physically integrated into your laptop and computer, serves the authenticity of the device and the user, as well as verifying the integrity of the system or software license. A further important function is to keep the password, password and certificate saved. Create a safe environment and protect it from improper handling, with the TPM if you can check the safety of the device componenti software and hardware during system operation. When you identify the manipulations when you compare it with the metric in the file, the TPM is triggered by the alarm. If TPM is only used in its active chip form, my new laptop and computer will be available with TPM integrated into the series.

What is TPM 2.0?

The TPM is supported by the TCG (Trusted Computing Group) IT consortium and is standardised in 2009 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) as ISO/IEC 11889:2009. The first TPM was finalized on 3/3/2011 with the version TPM 1.2. With the advent of TPM 2.0 in 2019 it is set to the new standard for TPM ISO/IEC 11889:2015 with new security functions. The sound design provides the architecture and structure of the TPM as it is ordered and supported.

Dove if there is TPM 2.0?

Poiché chip TPM 2.0 functions with dedicated processor and integrates directly from the diagram to the mother of the laptop or computer. Normally the parts of new computers and laptops are supported by TPM integration and the number of sound compatibility and pre-installed and used TPM. Alternatively, although it does not have a pre-installed TPM 2.0 chip, I have provided a slot for an active chip, in this way you can allow the integration of a TPM chip independent of the CPU. In the case of acquiring a TPM chip, it is recommended to use the chip of the current product of the motherboard and of the current manufacturer.

Is TPM 2.0 necessary for Windows 11?

With Windows 11 the TPM 2.0 is released one hardware requirements for using the operating system. You can also learn about the existence of TPM 2.0 that caused the upgrade to Windows 11. You can see the upgrade to Windows 11 if your computer does not have a TPM or if the TPM is disabled and you can see a message on it. TPM is not available or not compatible. This is also necessary for the Secure Boot function. UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface).

This other TPM 2.0 is used for the following functions:

  • Windows Hello: control of biometric access and identification by the impronta and/or the scan of the iridescent, riconoscimento del volto per mezzo dell’Endorsement Key (EK) et Attestation Identity Key (AIK).
  • BitLocker unit descriptions: for the crittografia of volume logic and internal disk rigidi.
  • Smart card virtuali: Similar to your smart card, a VS (Virtual Smartcard) is used to control your access to the system and is safe.
  • TPM warning information: You can check the integrity of the system components and Windows configuration by monitoring the Windows sequence.
  • AIK Certificate: The AIK certificate saves TPM and compares the data with the device status forecast.
  • Difeza dagli attachcchi dizionario: Protecting the data when it is attached to a brutal force, when trying to protect the data from the password plate, allows automatic consultation of the elements of the dimensions.
  • Credential Guard: isolates and accesses data and protects the device safely by verifying its security on virtual support.

Does Quali Vantaggi offer Trusted Platform Module 2.0?

The functionality of TPM 2.0 offers its following:

  • Generate and save text, password and certificate for you processi crittografici.
  • The handling of the BIOS code requires verification of the internal Platform Configuration Register (PCR) 17.
  • New functionality of the scam algorithm by using it parallel to various algorithms.
  • The verification firm supports personal identification numbers that come with location data based on biometric or global access control.
  • The TPM 2.0 file management permits the limited use and conditions of the written file.
  • The TPM 2.0 is flexible and can be used on any device with a suitable device.
  • Verify the software license against Digital Rights Management (DRM).
  • Messa in safety of the integrity of the piattaforma limits the metric of configuration to check the safety and the possible presence of modifications of the sequence of avvio.
  • Authentication of the hardware of the tramite operating system RSA crittografic system.
  • Endorsement Keys (EK) and Attestation Keys (AIK) use hashing to verify the integrity and security of the system.
  • In combination with firewall security, smart card, biometric access protection and antivirus program it is possible to protect against malware, ransomware, brute force attacks and phishing.

How to check TPM 2.0 on your device owner?

Check if your device with Windows operating system has TPM 2.0? Alla avete avete a disposizione i seguenti metodi tra cui segliere pour acertarvene et verificarne l’stato. Please note that the TPM 2.0 chip is integrated into the series non semper sono già abilitati.

Learn TPM Management

First passaggio: digitate “tpm.msc” next to the Windows rice bar. This command supports the integrated TPM Management instrument.

Second passaggio: In the case where your laptop or computer has a dedicated TPM 2.0 chip, view the information on the TPM version at the end of the menu. Conversely, Windows will inform you that a compatible TPM component is present.

Learn Device Management

First passaggio: with the Windows problem [Windows] + [X] Enter the Windows administrative menu. Click on “Device Management”.

Second passaggio: click on “Safety Devices” in the default menu. Available, which is “Trusted Platform Module 2.0”.

Ask for prompt orders

First passaggio: use the scorciatoia of the tastiera [Windows] + [R] After the end of the “Esegui” dialogue. Digitate your internal “cmd” and premete contemporaneously i tasti [Windows] + [Maiusc] + [Invio]. In this way, you should promptly order with permission from the administrator.

Second passaggio: digitate the sequence command and procedure first [Invio]:

wmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2\security\microsoftTPM 2.0 path win32_TPM 2.0 get /value.


In the case where TPM 2.0 is present, you can view information on the version of the TPM in the final version, with the voice “SpecVersion=”.

How to enable or disable TPM 2.0?

The status of TPM 2.0 depends on the amount of data on your computer or laptop. I have a new computer that is only available with integrated TPM, and its standard is enabled. Anyway, no, this is the case. In any case, an update of the BIOS o della UEFI.

TPM 2.0 is enabled or disabled with the following possibilities:

Enable or disable TPM 2.0 in BIOS

First passaggio: riavviate the computer and learn the BIOS. In base the operating system or the device in use premete and tasti [F2], [F12] o [Canc] during the system warning phase. Assicurate your effect to regulate a backup of the system, it comes from the password, the password and the more important certificate, first of all you need to make changes to the BIOS.

Second passaggio: enter the “Security” section of the BIOS and click on “Trusted Computing”.

Third passaggio: activate the option “Security Device Support”.

Fourth passage: activate the option “PTT” in the “TPM 2.0 Device” section.

Quinto passaggio: Dopo the power supply of the modification must be activated by the operating system. To turn off the TPM, it turns out to be the opposite of the amount you see.

Enable or disable TPM 2.0 in TPM Management

First passaggio:digitate “tpm.msc” next to the Windows rice bar and confirm first [Invio].

Second passaggio: In the “Azioni” section you will find the option to enable TPM 2.0 and receive the information you will find following subsequent steps.

Third passaggio: open the system. You should follow the instructions for the UEFI interface.

Fourth passage: while you are accessing the new TPM 2.0 configuration. In this case, the system ensures that the original user has made the modification. This is where you enable TPM 2.0 in Windows.

Quinto passaggio: To turn the TPM on again, enter the “Action” section of the TPM Management and select the corresponding option, you will be able to provide the password to the owner using fisico support, manually digitize or enter it, prefer to disable it by inserting the password.

Did this cause the TPM 2.0 to be disabled?

Regardless of whether or not you have to cancel or disable TPM 2.0 to resolve the problem, you may have a new installation or an upgrade, in any case you can carry one loss of unwanted data. Tra i dati in pericolo vi sono le chiavi crittografiche, i certifice e le password salvati nel TPM 2.0. To avoid this incident, put it next to the sequence security situation:

  • Create a backup of saved data with TPM 2.0.
  • Disability or operation of the TPM 2.0 must be caused by the device itself or with the consent of the competent computer administrator.
  • Please follow the instructions provided in the instruction manual or at the location of the product.
  • You may disable TPM 2.0 in TPM Management or provide a backup of the system first by making a BIOS change.

What is the sound technology of TPM 2.0 available?

Based on the implementation, we distinguish only the following TPM typology:

  • TPM 2.0 discrete: The Trusted Platform Module discreetly has a dedicated chip that offers support for various critical algorithms, protects the panel from handling and has a correct error number.
  • TPM 2.0 fisico: directly integrated into the CPU, offers security functionality useful for protecting against malware and manipulation.
  • TPM 2.0 based on firmware: Comparable with the physical version, the TPM 2.0 based on the firmware has a security environment on the internal CPU to prevent manipulation and modification of the faulty part and it is not authenticated.
  • Virtual TPM 2.0: The hypervisor consents to generate a virtual TPM 2.0 that generates its dependence on whether it is a virtual machine.
  • TPM 2.0 based on software: TPM 2.0 is based on sound software that can be easily supported and can be used at the end of the security and sound warnings due to errors and malware.

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