Digital Communication


Digital Communication

Video hosting: what are the best providers?


To host a video, it is possible to use several platforms, created to allow users and companies to publish and distribute video files. Among the suppliers of video hosting the best known are companies like YouTube or Vimeo, which also have a large community.

Users can search for specific videos there and watch them directly on the providers’ sites. Additionally, YouTube and others also offer the ability toinsert video links directly on other websites.

The advantage is that these free video platforms offer possibilities for partially unlimited storage, even videos with high resolution and gigabyte file size can be uploaded and then hosted there. The website servers are therefore lightened using video hosts, which can have a positive effect on the performance of their own website.

It doesn’t matter whether the video hosting is free or paid: this solution through third-party providers is aimed at all websites that want to integrate large video files or a multitude of small videos. This can for example be the case in the context of a blog to enrich texts or in the context of product presentations or tutorials.

At the same time, the major platforms of video hosting such as YouTube or Dailymotion provide, in addition to the distribution of videos, extensive analysis possibilities the number of views and the average viewing length, as well as the possibilities ofdirect and indirect interactions through comments under the videos. Various content management systems, including WordPress, offer convenient functions for inserting videos. Embedding YouTube videos on WordPress is done in just a few steps.

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