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Digital Communication

Types of backups: overview of the main types of backups


There are several methods to create continuous backups of a data set. It exists three main backup methods : full backup, differential backup, as well as incremental backup. They each offer specific advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we’ll give you an overview of these, but you can read more about each of these types in our in-depth guides on each type of backup strategy.

In general, a backup strategy usually includes several types of backups. To begin with, a full backup is created. This is followed by incremental and differential backups and, if necessary, periodic full backups. Different data sets are backed up at varying frequencies and using the appropriate method, depending on the need.

Let’s say an organization currently has a 100 GB data set that needs to be backed up. Now imagine that this game grows to the tune of one GB per day. As part of a conventional backup strategy, a full backup will be created in a weekend. Also, the daily changes will be copied through another backup. Thus, all backup methods will start with a full backup on Sunday. Thereafter, depending on the backup method, only changes will be backed up if necessary.

Let’s compare the three types of data backups. First, we compare the extent of daily growth in data with current data volumes by backup method. The volume of the full backup corresponds to the volume of the data store. The size of a differential backup grows linearly over time from the last full backup. The volume of incremental backups, on the other hand, corresponds to the volume of modified data:

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