Digital Communication


Digital Communication

The system cannot find the specified file


In some cases, it may be useful to modify a missing or incorrect registry key as follows:

Step 1 : open command prompt with [Windows] + [R] and enter the CMD command “ regedit to open the register;

2nd step : before making changes to the registry, we advise you to make a backup copy of the current registry file. To do this, go to File > Export and enter the name of the backup file, select « All » and click « Save ». In an emergency, you can use this backup to restore the registry;

Step 3: in the registry editor, now enter the following key at the bottom left: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion ;

Step 4: then search for a key named  » RunOnce « . If it does not exist, click on “CurrentVersion”, go to “New” and to “ Key » ;

Step 5: enter  » RunOnce as the name of the key;

Step 6: now display  » HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\\CurrentVersion then expand and check if « RunOnce » is there;

Step 7: if the key is there, exit the registry and reboot.

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