Digital Communication


Digital Communication

The best alternatives to WeTransfer


The alternative to WeTransfer, HiDrive Share, offers an easy, fast and free way to share even large files with other people. As a sender, all you have to do is upload the desired files to the server via the HiDrive Share website and receive a download link to share. Anyone with this link can then download the files. Thus, it suffices to a few minutes to share documents, photos or videos with friends, acquaintances or colleagues.

  • Up to 2 GB
  • Easy to use
  • No download limit

Each download has a maximum size of 2 GB. You can thus send as many files as you wish to as many people as you wish provided you respect this maximum size. After 7 days, all data is automatically and irrevocably deleted. Other security measures, such as password protection, are however not offered.

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