Digital Communication


Digital Communication

Personal email server: advantages and conditions


If you wish to be independent in storing and sending your emails and you want your data is kept securelyyou should consider creating your own mail server. Here you will learn what you need for setup and what the advantages of a personal email server are.

What is the point of creating your own mail server?

Typically, emails are stored on the email provider's server until the user decides to delete them. However, this implies that the provider or administrator also has access to the corresponding datawhich is not the case with a personal email server.

If your own mail server is configured and maintained reliably, emails remain secure and are protected against unwanted access. The personal email server is installed on a computer, but emails can be viewed from any internet-connected device with the corresponding access data.

What are the advantages of having your own mail server?

There are many advantages to creating your own mail server. One of the main ones is the increased protection obtained through firewalls and filters, which helps to secure personal data. Having full control over your personal or professional emails is a major advantage! In addition, independence from an external access provider helps to avoid price fluctuations and server failures. When it comes to storage space, addresses and restrictions on attachments, a personal email server offers maximum freedom, giving the user the ability to set their own limits based on the settings, hardware and software used.


Having your own email address gives a much more professional impression and makes business and private contacts easier. Choose the IONOS offer and benefit from a mailbox that you can expand at any time and that keeps your account safe from unwanted advertising and spam.

When is it worth running your own mail server?

When you want have more control on your emails and prevent others from accessing your data, creating your own mail server is the ideal solution. In addition, when you need to manage multiple mailboxes For yourself or your employees, a personal email server offers maximum flexibility.

There is also a combined solution including your own mail server and an account with your old provider. This gives you the option to keep emails on your own server and continue to send them via an external provider. For this, the settings and security measures must be configured correctly during installation.

Personal email server: what are the prerequisites?

The first requirement for creating your own mail server is to have a suitable computer. Although many models are available, a small computer low-power like the Raspberry Pi is ultimately the most suitable. You need a secure and continuous internet connectionof a reliable power supply And of sufficient memory space.

It is recommended to assign a fixed IP address to your server device, especially with the Raspberry Pi. This not only makes your own work easier, but also prevents your emails from being marked as spam in the future. In addition, the use of SPF and DKIM records offers other interesting options to ensure the security of your emails. To ensure the secure storage of all your emails, the use of professional email archiving is also recommended.


Safely stored emails: IONOS email archiving complies with the GoBD standard and can be applied to an unlimited number of email accounts. So you can always be sure that your emails are safely stored!

Mail server with its own domain

It is recommended to set up a mail server with its own domain name, especially if you want to use it in your professional environment. This one seems much more serious and ensures better recognition of your brand or business. Additionally, using a custom email domain makes it easier to manage multiple mailboxes and simplifies communications with customers and business partners. While this is not necessary for personal use, once you have set up a mail server with your own domain, you can also use it for your personal correspondence.


Take the opportunity and register your own domain with IONOS today. This way, you will increase your presence on the Internet and you will also be able to benefit from numerous reliable security features!

What should you pay attention to?

Although a personal email server offers many advantages, there are some aspects that you should consider. First of all, you should always think about the server security. Protect your server from spam or unauthorized access by implementing the following security measures:

  • A control conscientious
  • of the strong passwords
  • A firewall up to date
  • of the backups complete
  • of the updates regular.

These tasks do not take much time and should not be neglected! This is particularly important to ensure that emails sent from the mail server are received correctly. It also prevents your own emails from being classified as spam.

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