Digital Communication


Digital Communication

Our ideas and advice for original email addresses


Email addresses, like messaging services and social networks, are at the heart of our personal and professional communication. It is therefore crucial to choose email addresses that are easy to remember and/or that act as a reflection of your creativity. To do this, each part of the email address, from the local part, through the @ symbol, to the domain, can be personalized.

Introduction: what are email addresses made of?

Email addresses consist of the following three parts:

  • Local part: it is the set of elements located before the @ symbol in an email address. It may include first names, last names, company names, numbers, or other specific terms. This part often represents the name of the sender of the email.
  • Symbol @ : This symbol is crucial because it separates the local part from the domain part of the email address. It is a standard and essential element in all email addresses.
  • Part of domain/distribution domain: behind the @ symbol are indications of the domain associated with the email account. The domain name (usually the email provider) is placed first, followed by a period, and ends with a top-level domain (TLD). These TLDs can be gTLDs (generic TLDs) .com, .net Or .orgcountry-specific ccTLDs like .Fr Or .be or sponsored TLDs like .gov, .museum Or .sport.

Depending on the email provider, both the local part and the domain part of the email address can be building blocks with which you can create an original email address.

Email address with its own domain name!

Create a personalized address and show your seriousness on the Internet with a domain name included!



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Our advice for an original and free email address

Free email providers offer email addresses free of charge and allow you to individually choose the local part during registration. However, the desired username must not already be taken from the chosen provider.

Keep in mind that a cool or humorous email address is usually only suitable for personal communication. There are exceptions, particularly for artists or businesses that adopt humor and informal communication as their distinctive signatures.

Here are some tips for creating an original email address.

Combine personalized and fun names in your image

It is not mandatory that your email address follows classic formats such as firstname name@ Or last name First Name@. For a touch oforiginality, singularity or humorconsider using nicknames, diminutives, imaginative names, or combinations that reflect your passions and hobbies!

Some examples :

  • lisapassionlivres@
  • clementpompier@
  • veterandu78@
  • teachertraveler@
  • adeptedeschats@
  • inmyimaginaryworld@

Link name, profession, qualification and location

Even for free private email addresses, the local part offers many possibilities to highlight the profession, qualification or location. Thus, your interlocutors, like with a business card, will know who they are dealing with.

We present several examples to you:

  • accountantfirstnamelastname@
  • editionprenomnom@
  • firstnamelastnamePHD@ / firstnamelastnameMA@
  • doctorfirstnamelastname@
  • firstnamelawyer@
  • saloncoiffureville/name@
  • studiopaillettesongles@
  • centredeyogaetmeditation@
  • chefcookcity/name@

Word games or Leet Speak

Creating an original email address can also be done through word games and Leet Speak. Word games consist of reformulate or combine in a humorous way known words. Leet Speak, on the other hand, represents the online trend of replacing letters with numbers and/or similar symbols, for example B for 8, 3 for E or 1 for I.

Examples of puns:

  • Hair salon : hairmonie@, creatiff@, samdecoiff@
  • Cafes: espresstoi@, aucoinducafe@, coffeeoclock@
  • Burger restaurant: burgerquizz@, hamburger@, meatandgreet@
  • Video games : leroideslol@, topscoretom@, clubcraftmine@, beanpotter@

Examples of Leet Speak:

  • D38UT4NT4B50LU@ for beginnerabsolu@
  • R01DUR4P@ for roidurap@
  • Sp33dRunn3r@ for speedrunner@

Bypass already used email addresses

Classic free email addresses often consist of the first and last name. However, two users cannot register the exact same email address. If the desired address with your own name is already taken, you can work around this problem using abbreviations Or adding numbers or dates of birth.

Here are examples:

  • firstname@ instead of firstnamelast@
  • use only the first three or four letters of the first and last name
  • first name last name/last name first name + date of birth
  • firstnamelastname/lastnamefirstname + lucky number or a combination of random numbers placed before, after or between names

Pro tips: create an original email address with your own domain

You can customize the local part of your email address, whether you use a free account or a paid address. This possibility concerns everyone: businesses, families, associations, artists or organizations. For even more customization, opt for a paid provider offering various options for setting up your own email domain. If you choose to manage your own mail server, you will have full control over your mailbox, chosen domain and email address, but this will also require more management effort.

Here is what you absolutely must take into account to create an original email address: for professional use, it is crucial to have a professional and serious email address. Funny puns, nicknames or Leet Speak can come across as unserious, turn off your customers or be interpreted as spam. Make sure that the choice of your name corresponds to the tone of your sector, your requirements and your image.

Professional, serious and creative? This is exactly what an email address should be, especially when used in a professional context. With IONOS you can create your own email address.

The diversity of custom domain extensions

With free email accounts, the domain part most often includes the name of the provider like Or @outlook.comas well as TLDs specific to certain countries such as .Fr, .be Or .ch. With the right provider or email server, you can leverage many options to better position your TLD with a regional link. Regional domain extensions eye-catching and distinctive include for example .Paris, .bzh (Brittany), .corsica and almost every major city or region.

Do you want your domain extension to reflect your profession or passion? There are new domain extensions tailored to specific needs, linked to professional fields, businesses, interests or sectors such as .shop, .beauty, .fashion, .photography and many other options. Associations or even families can also create distinctive email addresses with specific domains such as .family Or Of course, it is also possible to combine widely used generic TLDs like .com, .org with names, professions, cities and regions or hobbies.

Here is the model:

Partie locale + symbole @ + (Nom/Profession/Hobby/Ville/Région/Nom d’entreprise).extension

Your own .fr domain!

Stand out with a unique domain name and personalized email address!



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Application examples for original personalized email addresses

The following examples illustrate examples of original and professional email addresses, with the local part and the domain of your choice :

Family email address

Do you want to use a domain extension specific to your family? For this, the new domain extension .family is available. You can thus create several personalized email accounts with first names in the local part and last name in the domain part, depending on the model. prenom@nom.famille. An alternative for a family email address is the template

Association email address

Members as well as managers of an association benefit from clear communication with each other or with third parties thanks to their own association email addresses. Of the personalized email addresses for all members of the association including an individual mailbox enable more efficient and professional email management, organization, allocation and archiving. To create an email address for associations, domain extension with the models Or are recommended.

Email address for companies, professions or businesses

Professional email addresses should above all stand out for their seriousness and professionalism. This is why it is advisable for professional email addresses to avoid local parts and fancy domain extensions and instead get straight to the point. Use the email address to clearly display the company name, your position in the company, your business or your industry. Generic TLDs such as the new domain .business can also tell at a glance that this is a reliable business email address.

Depending on the sector, sponsored top-level domains are available, reserved for certain industries, organizations or institutions. This includes, for example, .travel for travel companies, .jobs for the recruitment of personnel or .museum for museums.

Examples can be as follows:

  • (or other regional TLDs)
  • secteur/

Email address for artists

Whether you are a filmmaker, gallery owner or actor, choose the right domain extension like .art, .theater, .music, .movie or even .hiphop will transform your email address into a showcase of your activity and your sector.

Here are some examples of models:

  • nomdegalerie/destudio@lieu/
  • nom@lieu/agence/

Email address for hobbies, interests or communities

Online communities of people with similar interests often recognize each other through their common hobbies and interests. For example, those who create social media content around hobbies like baking, cooking, DIY, music, dancing, or DIY tutorials might consider reflecting this in their email address.

An address focused on hobbies and interests could follow this model:


Since areas focused on hobbies and interests do not require a strict form, playful variations are also possible, for example by integrating word games or Leet Speak as instead of

What are the advantages of an original email address?

A professional email address is often one of the first points of contact with prospects or customers. It should therefore be professional, striking and, depending on the sector, creative and original. In the private domain, your own email address offers many possibilities for funny combinations and names.

Used correctly, it communicates important information about the name, company or industry via the local part, domain and extension. An original email address can also strengthen brand recognition and perception. So take advantage of the potential of a personalized email address to stand out in digital communication!

Email address with its own domain name!

Create a personalized address and show your seriousness on the Internet with a domain name included!



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