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Digital Communication

MarTech: “Marketing Technology” Explained


Who says MarTech, also says AdTech. Although the two terms are not identical, marketers advise against using one without the other. The differences and commonalities are already explicit in the terms: Marketing and Advertising (advertising). While marketing without advertising can hardly achieve long-term goals, advertising without marketing strategy only leads to short-term success.

Behind the generic term “AdTech” are technologies and tools such as demand-side platforms (DSPs), sales platforms (SSPs) and agency trading desks (ATDs). AdTech is particularly important for the automated buying and selling of advertising space and media within the scope of programmatic advertising, programmatic buying, display marketing and real-time-advertising.

MarTech, on the other hand, serves in particular as basis and prerequisite for the implementation of AdTech tools. Additionally, MarTech not only focuses on large-scale automated processes, but also on one-to-one marketing, relationship marketing, B2B and B2C communication, and one-to-one customer retention. So it’s not just software tools, but a strategic approach to digital marketing solutions.

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