Digital Communication


Digital Communication

Instagram Stories: how to create a story on Instagram?


When you create a Story, Instagram offers useful tools to customize the contribution as needed. The following functions are available in Story mode:

Boomerang : a recording function that allows you to make an Instagram Story in the form of a small video that repeats in a loop back and forth.

Layout : Allows you to make photo collages in a story.

Multi-Capture : This function allows you to take several photos (up to eight) in a row and choose the best one or upload them all as a series of photos.

Real : With Reel, it is possible to create several short videos (maximum length: 60 seconds) one after the other, which you then publish as a complete video. The advantage is that the different videos, including the music, appear as a single video.

Hands free : If you don’t want to hold down the white button while creating a video, use the « Hands-free » function.

face filter : The « Face Filter » function automatically adds filters, effects or animations to faces in a video or photo.

Level : If a photo seems wobbly to you, the « Level » function allows you to add auxiliary lines that tell you if the shot is straight.

Live : Instagram lives offer a special proximity and more interaction with followers. The « Live » feature can be found in Story mode, by swiping left on the bottom menu bar. A stream can last up to one hour and allows followers to react and comment.

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