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Digital Communication

Git Commands: Git commands to know


The right Git commands allow you to use version control software in the most efficient way. Here are the most important commands, to be executed via the terminal.

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Git commands make work easier

the version management software Git is a premier tool for all developers. It optimizes workflows for small and large teams who wish to work in parallel on their projects, and additionally guarantees the necessary security and stability. It is precisely when developing with multiple people, multiple trees, and multiple repositories that Git plays a crucial role in providing an overview to everyone in the workgroup. Git commands are essential for working with the software. These allow all work steps to be carried out for optimal use. Here are the main Git commands.

Before getting started with Git

Before starting a new project, first check if Git is already installed and which version is on your computer. To find out, the appropriate command is:

Whether no version number does not appear, you need first install Git. In Linux, use the package manager for this. On Mac, the installation is done via the terminal. Finally, for Windows, you just need to download Git and then open the installer.

To now start a new project for Git, call the desired folder in the terminal and create a new repository with the following command:

If you want to copy an already created repository or a deleted repository and insert it into the folder, it works via git clone:

git clone /chemin/source/Repository/chemin/cible
git clone

If you have already created an SSH key, this command also works:

git clone utilisateur@server:/chemin.git

Git commands to configure name and email

To be able to work on a project, you need a username and a valid associated email address. To do this, use the following Git commands:

To configure your username:

git config --global "Nom-utilisateur"

Check your username:

git config --global

Register your email address:

git config --global ""

To view your address:

git config --global

This command allows you to display all your data in the preview:

git config --global --list

Preview and Changes

A few important Git commands make it easier to make changes to your repository as well as this one. To get an overview of the repository, use this command:

git close

With this command you will get an overview of the local status and the changes that have not yet been submitted:

Changes are shown in red.

To check the differences between the pending commit and the latest current version, use git diff:

Git Commands for repositories

To save changes to the local repository yourself, you need the following Git commands.

Add all new, modified, or deleted files with this command:

On the other hand, if you want to save only certain changes to your commit, enclose them in square brackets:

git add [ fichier_1 fichier_2 fichier_3 | file-pattern ]

Here’s how to finalize a git commit:

If you also want to send explanations about the current step, here is the command:

git commit -m "Saisissez ici votre message"

With git Log, view the current commits in your local repository:

Git commands for branches

To work on a branch, use the following Git commands.

Show all branches:

Information on the different branches:

To list all branches in a local repository:

Create a new branch:

git branch nom-nouvelle-branche

Switch to a specific branch with git checkout:

git checkout nom-autre-branche

Create a new branch and switch:

git checkout -b nouvelle-branche

Move the new branch from the local repository to the commit:

git push -i depot-distant nouvelle-branche

Delete branch from local repository if it only contains accepted changes:

git branch -d nom-branche

Add changes from one branch to the current branch:

git merge nom-autre-branche

To pull changes from a remote repository, use git pull:

Git commands for tags

If you use tags, these Git commands will make your job easier.

List all tags:

Call all commit tags for your local repository:

Display a specific tag:

To move a specific tag into the commit, use git push:

git push nom-distant exemple-tag

Move all tags into the commit:

git push nom-distants --tags

Delete a tag from the local repository:

Work better with Git

These Git commands help to work quickly and efficiently in version control software. In our Digital Guide, you will also find a Git tutorial for a good start, as well as a summary of Git commands or Git Cheat Sheet with a very practical PDF to download. If you are looking for an alternative to Linus Torvalds’ software, our Git and SVN comparison will allow you to see more clearly.


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