Digital Communication


Digital Communication

Eco server: hosting, installation and configuration


The hardware requirements for the server application dedicated to Eco mainly depend on two factors: the size of your game world and the number of players active at the same time on your server. You are required to fill in the first factor from the start, when you create your game world.

If you choose to keep the values ​​used by default for the X and Y axes (72 x 72), the total area of ​​your game world then reaches 0.52 km2. If you want to expand it, your server’s requirements for computing power (and especially RAM) used to determine the size of the game world also become more important. An increase of this type is also to be expected if other players join the game along the way.

You will find below the minimum configuration requirements defined in the game’s official wiki by Strange Loop Games, the developer behind Eco, for a server with the smallest possible game universe.

  • Processor (CPU) : Intel/AMD, from 2.4 GHz
  • Memory (RAM) : 4GB
  • Hard disk space : 20 GB (included: game save / not included: standard game world save)

The operating system requirements are in addition to the server application requirements. For Microsoft system Windows Server 2019for example, you must also have the following capabilities:

  • 1.4 GHz (64-bit) processor
  • 512 MB or 2 GB RAM (with or without GUI)
  • 32 GB or 36 GB of hard disk space (with or without graphical interface)

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