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Digital Communication

Code 80072efe: how to fix this update error?


Error code 80072efe may appear if there is an update problem (no internet connection, inaccessible Windows servers, etc.). It may also be related to an attempt to update Windows 7, which is no longer supported. Learn about solutions with us to fix this problem, including Windows 7 update fix, Internet connection check, or firewall exceptions.

When does error code 80072efe appear?

Code 80072efe is considered a typical update error, but, as is the case with error codes 0x80070643, 0x80073701, and 0xc0000005, its causes can be multiple. It appears most often whenit is impossible to install an update or in the event of an Internet connection problem, corrupted Windows servers or even defects in Windows system files. The use of Windows 7 can also be the cause of this error, because automatic Windows updates no longer apply to this version since January 2021.

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Solutions to Fix Error 80072efe

Below you will find different solutions for you to solve this problem.

Wait for better Windows server availability

Patience can sometimes be the solution. Best case scenario, this is exactly what should be done for error 80072efe. Indeed, if the root cause of the error comes from a server side problem for windows, we advise you to wait 10-20 minutes and then search again for the update. Windows is then likely to execute this without any problem.

Check Internet Connection

An Internet connection problem may cause problems when searching for the update, causing this error code to appear. This hypothesis is rather simple to verify; you just need to make sure your Internet connection works. To do this, simply open a page in your browser, or disconnect from the Internet before reconnecting. Are you using a proxy server? The error can also come from there. Then try disabling your proxy server, then run the search again for the update.

Fix update issues in Windows

Windows offers a automatic problem solving for everything related to Windows components. To proceed with troubleshooting, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Access the troubleshooter by typing “Troubleshooter” into the Windows search bar and then selecting the corresponding service.
  2. Then open “Additional troubleshooters” (for Windows 10) or “Other troubleshooters” (for Windows 11).
  3. Click “Windows Update,” then “Run.” Windows then proceeds to troubleshoot the various update components.
  4. Follow Windows' recommendations for remediation, then restart your device.

Reset update components

If your problem is not related to your Internet connection or your Windows server, and troubleshooting does not work as expected, you can try reset windows update components. These components are the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), the Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI), the Cryptographic Service, and the Windows Update Service. You can do the following:

  1. Open Command Prompt with your administrator rights. To do this, launch Command Prompt using the keys [Ctrl] + [R]enter “cmd” and confirm your entry using the keys [Ctrl] + [Maj] + [Entrée].
  2. Then enter the following CMD commands in turn, using the key [Entrée] for each validation:
net stop wuauserv
net stop cryptSvc
net stop bits
net stop msiserver
ren C:\\Windows\\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
ren C:\\Windows\\System32\\catroot2 Catroot2.old


  1. Activate the components one after the other using the following commands, always using the key [Entrée] to validate each of them.
net start wuauserv
net start cryptSvc
net start bits
net start msiserver
ren C:\\Windows\\System32\\catroot2 Catroot2.old


  1. Finally, restart your computer.

Apply a Windows 7 patch for updates

Microsoft announced the end of support for Windows 7, effective January 2021. Since then, more no automatic update is offered for the operating system. If you try to reinstall Windows 7, you may therefore encounter error 80072efe. However, discover a little tip to restore Windows 7 compatibility with updates:

  1. Access the Microsoft Update catalog to download the hotfix needed for Windows 7 updates. The update is named “KB31386123”. Depending on your Windows version, you should choose the 32 or 64 bit version.
  2. Download the corresponding MSU file for the update, and double-click it to install it.
  3. Next, select the “Restart now” button.
  4. Go to Windows Update and check for the updates you want. Please note: despite the patch, searching for and installing updates under Windows 7 may take some time.

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