Digital Communication


Digital Communication

Client-server model: pros and cons


The client-server environment has some unique characteristics. There is for example a clear distribution of tasks between clients and servers. The server is responsible for providing the services, it executes the requested requests and provides the expected response. In the transaction, the client is the relying party that requests the services made available and receives the response from the server.

In the client-server model, multiple clients use the same server. The server therefore processes requests from different clients. For this, it provides a service on a permanent and passive basis. A client sends active requests for services to the server and thus initiates its tasks.

In this architecture, a physical computer can be both client and server. Whether it sends or receives requests for services and resources determines its role in the network.

Protocols define the rules by which communication between clients and servers takes place. Different network protocols for data exchange are used depending on the tasks. In addition, depending on the area of ​​application, there are different types of networks

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