Digital Communication


Digital Communication

All about the RTF format: Rich Text Format, what is it?


The RTF format can be used almost anywhere and with any word processing program. RTF files with text formatting can be rendered in Microsoft Word as in a free Word alternative. However, it is recommended not to overload RTF files with overly complex formatting to avoid unwanted formatting errors. For example, object anchors, such as text frames or images and templates, may result in a display that deviates from the content of the original. Fonts should be pre-installed for optimal display on the target platform.

As a standard Microsoft program format WordPad, RTF is widely used. It is also found in editors like TextEdit from Apple, which also uses RTF as its standard format. Although RTF remains very popular as an interchange format, better import filters for file formats and simplified markup languages ​​such as Markdown well and truly herald the decline of RTF usage in the future. .

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