Digital Communication


Digital Communication

Server Path of Titans: create a dedicated server


If you want to host your own PoT server, it is better to rent it from a hosting provider. Ideally, you can also run the server application on your own hardware, however this solution is not the best for two reasons: on the one hand, the Path of Titans server is not connected only when your computer is on and executes the application, and on the other hand the broadband connection of the home network is generally not enough to guarantee the fluidity and stability of the game.

The concrete hardware requirements – without losing sight of the operating system requirements – depend primarily on the numbers of players with which you play the MMORPG (abbreviation of  » massively multiplayer online roleplay game », translated as « massively multiplayer online roleplaying game ») and number of mods you want to use. The following data will give you an order of magnitude:

  • Processor (CPU): 2-4 players: 3 GHz min (2 cores); 4+ players: 3.6 GHz min (4 cores);
  • Memory (RAM): 2 to 4 players: 4 GB min; 4+ players: 6 GB min;
  • Disk space : 30 GB min.

The Alderon Games Cmd command prompt works on the different operating systems Windows, macOS or Linux and allows to download the files from the server.

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