Digital Communication


Digital Communication

Reinstall WhatsApp without losing data


WhatsApp no ​​longer works, are you changing devices or are you forced to delete the application due to malware or a system error? We advise you to start with back up your chats WhatsApp so you can retrieve them later. You keep your history and shared media on WhatsApp and are able to recover your account data by restoring your WhatsApp backup. Without a backup, you will keep your WhatsApp account, but your chat history will be gone when you relaunch the app. Similarly, if you delete your WhatsApp account, you will lose all data associated with it.

Whether you choose to take a local backup on your device, a WhatsApp backup based on Google Drive or iCloud, the mail restore function can make your job a whole lot easier. Unlike your very first installation, it in fact allows you to avoid having to configure WhatsApp by restoring the data from your backup file, as well as the phone numbers or email addresses of your contacts.

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