Digital Communication


Digital Communication

9 email marketing trends for 2023


Although interactive and elaborate content is one of the main emailing trends of 2023 and it offers new possibilities, a counter-movement can be observed: some marketers return plain text emails. This way they want to make sure that all users will be able to read all of their newsletter content as intended. For example, users must not accept the download or display of graphics (external content).

However, if you are deprived of the main design possibilities to attract attention, you have to convince otherwise. Write a good text that fascinates and captivates readers to encourage them to click, in the best case, on a call-to-action. For such a newsletter, keep it short: large blocks of text tend to discourage readers. In addition, you can integrate lists which make reading and writing a little easier.

The benefits of a plain text email don’t end with ensuring proper presentation. This type of newsletter is also cheap and easy to create. If you eventually need to hire designers or photographers for emails with more elaborate graphics, simple texts are also easy to write. Your emails may even stand out from the crowd, as most newsletters follow a set pattern. Then you are sure to attract attention.

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