Digital Communication


Digital Communication

WordPress Mobile Plugins: Adapting WordPress to Mobile Phones


The configuration is adapted to your level (beginner or specialist) and able to guide you, with almost no explanation needed, through the various menu items of the administrator interface. The result is rather pleasant, and a very complete online documentation is also available (in English).

This WordPress plugin offers a considerable number of possibilities for mobiles. The free version has four themes and, according to the developer’s indications, more than 300 possible variants. You can acquire additional features on the administrator interface, under the “Extensions” menu item. Here are some of the free features :

  • Support for Page Builders;
  • GDPR compliance;
  • Automatic removal of unused CSS elements;
  • Support for Google fonts, even when used locally;
  • Compatibility with various SEO tools;
  • Pagination (page numbering) useful for large content;
  • Support for Google Tag Manager, Adsense (for AMP), Google Analytics and other analytics tool providers;
  • Ability to create different content for the mobile version and the desktop version;
  • Possibility of integrating the element “Similar publications”;
  • Improved image adaptation;
  • Integration of YouTube, Vime, Twitter, Instagram or Facebook videos;
  • Integration of twelve new channels for social networks;
  • Implementation of the AMP version as a specific landing page and/or priority web page.

Now here are some of the paid features :

  • Specific forms of advertising management;
  • Support for some contact forms;
  • E-mail registration for newsletter senders;
  • Multilingualism thanks to WPML, Polylang and WeGlot;
  • Connection to e-commerce tools;
  • Call-to-action element templates;
  • More than 45 additional extensions from the AMP universe.

AMP for WP should also be distinguished from AMP open-source project. The latter aims to allow you to create websites that require little programming code in order to make them (more) fast. To learn more about this, check out our guide to AMP plugins for WordPress. Here, the AMP for WP plugin can be seen as a tool that partially fulfills both of these functions. In addition, this plugin takes into account “by default” SEO tips specific to WordPress.

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