Digital Communication


Digital Communication

What is an ISO file? Definition and Application of ISO Files


The contents and usage of an ISO file can include everything you normally use in CD/DVD/Blu-ray form. ISO files allow archiving of folders of files such as system and installation files operating systems, programs, file folders, movies, videos, and even video games. ISOs are popular with gamers who love retro games (e.g. SNES or Playstation 2 games) who require PC emulators.

They are also convenient to run and use multiple guest operating systems using hypervisor or virtual machine monitors. If you don’t have a CD/DVD drive but want to use a guest system on your device, you can still run it using ISO files. All you have to do is create installation media in the form of a bootable USB stick with an ISO. Always make sure that you have enough storage space on the target media, as ISO files require a lot of memory compared to an original source.

[[Note==Bien que les fichiers ISO puissent être créés depuis n’importe quel type de disque optique, ceci ne s’applique pas aux CD de jeux ou aux DVD de films qui comportent un copyright.]]

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