It exists three major advantages when creating a full backup:
- Easy configuration: the pre-installed tools are enough.
- The most reliable backup method available: it reduces the risk of data loss
- Easy restore: usually just perform the copy process in reverse
One of the advantages of a full backup is the fact that it is relatively easy to create. Generally, you do not need any specialized software, but can go through the existing pre-installed tools. Since a full backup includes all stored data, its creation does not require any specific preparation. Only two requirements must be met:
- Sufficient available memory on the target system.
- Sufficient bandwidth to complete the copy process in a reasonable amount of time.
Once you have ensured that each of these prerequisites is met, you initiate the backup process. You must then wait. Sometimes it takes some time before a full backup is completed. Once the copy is finalized, you should ensure that the backup has been completed completely and error-free.
Another big advantage of a full backup is its reliability. Since a full backup includes the entire data set to be backed up, it is impossible to forget or omit Datas. However, for this to happen, it is important to stick to the original intent: a full backup, by definition, means that all stored data is backed up.
Especially when dealing with large volumes of data, it can be tempting to come up with arguments to exclude certain data from backup: « Anyway, we don’t need that », « We have saved this last time”, etc. Unfortunately, this can lead to data loss. If no up-to-date backups of the excluded data exist, they can be said goodbye. Therefore, it is necessary to back up the complete database even if it takes a while.
Once we’ve created a backup, we’ve only done half the job. A backup has value only if it can be restored to a state exactly the same as the original. Here too, a full backup is the simplest solution: to restore data, only the backup itself is necessary; it is usually sufficient to reverse the source and destination and run the copy process again.
However, with full backups, as with all other backup methods, it should not be assumed that the original data can be recovered from the backup without first testing. Perform recovery tests from backups is an integral part of any serious backup strategy. At no time do you want to realize only after the data loss has occurred that the backups you had carefully created are useless.