Static typing allows the TypeScript compiler to monitor the data type of the elements in an array. TypeScript Arrays thus reduce the risk of errors in your code, allowing you to develop safer and more reliable applications.
TypeScript Arrays: Definition and Explanation
In TypeScript, arrays are called Arrays. It is actually about ordered lists of values allows, as in JavaScript, to store a collection of elements. These elements can have different data types, including numbers, strings, objects or even other arrays. TypeScript has the advantage of supporting static typing, which means that you can define the data type of the elements in an array. This notably improves error detection during development.
A defining feature of arrays is their dynamic size. This allows you to add or remove elements without having to determine their size in advance. TypeScript Arrays are mutable by default, but you can also create immutable tables using methods like map
And filter
Arrays facilitate filtering, sorting, and iteration over elements and provide a consistent structure for organizing data. Additionally, they can serve as the basis for implementing data structures such as stacks (LIFO, Last-In-First-Out) and queues (FIFO, First-In-First-Out). They are also suitable for the representation of lists, tables and collections in a multitude of applications. By making it easier to manage elements of the same type, tables are particularly useful for processing data from external sources, whether APIs or databases.
TypeScript Arrays: what syntax?
In TypeScript, arrays are declared with the keywords let
, const
Or var
followed by a variable name and a data type indication. The data type declaration is done with a colon and indicates the data type that the elements of the array must have. These elements are enclosed in square brackets and separated by commas in an array initialization block.
The general syntax for declaring a TypeScript array is as follows:
const variableName: datatype[] = [element1, element2, ...];
- variableName : the name you chose for the board
- datatype : the data type that the array elements must have
- [element1, element2, …] : the actual elements or values that are to be stored in the array. These elements must have the data type defined previously
Here are several examples to illustrate the syntax:
// Data type: Number
const numbers: number[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// Data type: String
const numbers: string[] = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"];
// Data type: Boolean
const booleans: boolean[] = [true, false];
TypeScript Arrays: Array Methods You Should Know
TypeScript array methods are extremely useful and powerful because they allow you to efficiently process, transform and organize data in tablesThe following table gives you an overview of common methods in TypeScript and their application areas.
Method | Explanation |
Adds one or more elements to the end of the array and returns the new length of the array. |
Removes the last element from the array and returns it. |
Adds one or more elements to the beginning of the array and returns the new length of the array. |
Removes the first element from the array and returns it. |
Combines the current array with one or more other arrays and returns a new array. The original array remains unchanged. |
Converts the elements of the array to a string and returns it, choosing a separator for the elements. |
slice(start, end)
Creates a flat copy of the array, composed of the elements between the indices start (included) and end (excluded) indicated. The original table remains unchanged.
splice(start, deleteCount, element1, element2, ...)
Inserts new elements at the indicated position and/or removes elements from the array. |
Executes a provided function for each element in the array. |
Creates a new array by applying a function to each element of the array. |
Creates a new array containing all elements for which the provided function returns true .
TypeScript Arrays: Usage Examples
TypeScript arrays are indispensable tools when it comes to organizing and processing data in applications. Here are some of the main operations.
Accessing the elements of an array
Accessing array elements in TypeScript is a basic operation that allows you to retrieve specific elements from an array. You can access array elements using their index, which represents their position in the array. In TypeScript, theArray indexing is zero-based. So the first element has index 0 and the second has index 1.
let myArray: number[] = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
// Accessing elements using index
let firstElement: number = myArray[0]; // Output: 10
let secondElement: number = myArray[1]; // Output: 20
let thirdElement: number = myArray[2]; // Output: 30
// Assigning a new value to an array element
myArray[3] = 99; // 4th element in myArray = 99
Destructuring a table
There table destructuring in TypeScript makes it quick and easy to extract values from an array and assign them to variables.
let numberArray: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
// Array destructuring
let [firstNumber, secondNumber, thirdNumber] = numberArray;
// Access values
console.log(firstNumber); // Outputs 1
console.log(secondNumber); // Outputs 2
console.log(thirdNumber); // Outputs 3
Iterating over elements in TypeScript arrays
Here is an example of iterating over an array in TypeScript using a for loop :
let numbers: number[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
In this example we have an array numbers
containing numbers. We use a for loop to iterate through the array. The loop starts at i = 0
and we increase i
at each passage of the loop. With numbers[i]
we access the respective element of the array and return it.
We then get the output:
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