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Transparent Taskbar in Windows 11


Do you prefer to do without an external tool? In this case, modify a registry key also makes Windows 11 taskbar transparent. However, you should be careful: modifying the Windows registry incorrectly can permanently damage your Windows system or render it unusable. We only recommend this method for experienced users.

Proceed as follows:

Step 1 : use the Windows keyboard shortcut [Windows] + [R] to open the menu Execute “. Then access the Windows registry editor using the CMD command “regedit”.

2nd step : in the registry editor, enter the following path:


Step 3: first save the registry entry you want to modify. To do this, go to “File”, then “Export”. You thus create a registry backup of the relevant registry entry and save it to a chosen location.

Step 4: in this same folder, right-click on an empty area in the right window. Select “New” and ” 32-bit DWORD value “.

Step 5: now you need to type ” UseOLEDTaskbarTransparency to change the transparency value. Then double-click on the new string and change from 0 to 1 the indicated value. Confirm again by clicking “OK”.

Step 6: after a restart of your computer, the taskbar should now be fully transparent.

If you have more questions about Windows 11, check out the following IONOS Digital Guide articles:

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