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Digital Communication

SMS marketing: everything about advertising strategy


SMS marketing campaigns are targeted and have a high engagement rate. Used wisely, they can become an important element of the advertising strategy.

Why does SMS marketing still play an important role?

If in private life electronic messaging is increasingly replacing classic SMS, the situation differs in the mobile advertising sector. Alongside the more modern strategies of WhatsApp marketing, email marketing or influencer marketing, SMS marketing continues to play an important role. It allows you to achieve very targeted its existing or potential customers. This is why you should at least take this type of communication into account when planning your offer and marketing mix.

What is SMS marketing and how does it work?

SMS marketing therefore remains an important tool for direct and targeted interaction with your customer base. For this, SMS are not sent directly from one smartphone to another but sent by a program or platform. Messages can be sent either personally to selected users or to the entire customer base. Recipients must have given their consent to register on a mailing list so as not to find yourself in a situation of Smishing or spam. For SMS marketing, a short code number is sufficient. The objective of this strategy is to push the prospect to click on a link or call.

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Why is SMS marketing profitable?

SMS marketing remains profitable for several reasons:

Targeting accuracy

SMS marketing campaigns allow you to reach exactly the people you want to target. The chances of the SMS arriving and being read are much higher than through other channels: the percentage of SMS opened is much higher than that of emails.


There is a good chance that people who receive an SMS after giving their consent not only read it, but also click on the links sent or participate in the actions highlighted. The relatively high engagement rate of SMS marketing campaigns increases the chances of success.


Since recipients have given their consent before sending, SMS marketing is well received by prospects.

Easy to do

Phrases, emojis and a link: it’s difficult to put more in an SMS. The creation of messages therefore remains simple and does not require graphic tools.

Quick to analyze

With an up-to-date list of phone numbers, you have an accurate idea of ​​how many text messages are being sent, and performance analysis remains simple and useful. This allows you to see exactly which SMS marketing campaigns are working best.

Important Points of SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is an interesting marketing channel. To use it, however, it is better to keep certain important points in mind before getting started. Here are a few :

Never without opt-in

Marketing by SMS is only possible according to the opt-in principle: recipients must first have given their express consent to receive your advertising SMS. Otherwise, you cannot include their numbers in your list. Each message must also provide the possibility of revoking consent.


An SMS can contain a maximum of 160 characters. While this economy of words can be useful for your SMS marketing campaigns, it is sometimes complicated to succeed in placing all the relevant information and a link in a message that is still appealing. Good planning is therefore very important.


The same goes for the price. First, sending an SMS costs more than sending an email, for example. Then, you must also offer added value to your customers so that they click on the link sent: promotional offer, competition or other incentive, it is wise to precisely calculate the price of such an SMS marketing campaign beforehand in order to that it is successful and profitable.


Recipient lists are often much smaller for SMS marketing campaigns than for other channels, with a relatively high bounce rate. If the good engagement rate makes it possible to put these disadvantages in the background, it is still better to take them into account.


Due to the higher price and direct shipping, a thoughtful strategy for SMS marketing campaigns is particularly important. Better to send fewer SMS messages but with content more relevant to the target group. This is where the chances of success lie.

Which platforms for SMS marketing?

There are many different platforms and apps dedicated to SMS marketing. Different prices, various features: we have chosen to present three of the most popular solutions to you.


SlickText is one of the best-known providers in the field of SMS marketing. Its transparent pricing with no hidden costs is one of the reasons for its success. After one free trial period of two weeks, it is possible to choose between different rates and change later. SlickText offers different features, surveys, campaigns and planning. You also have access to detailed analytics and fake numbers can be automatically deleted.


Omnisend offers SMS marketing tools but also emailing tools to combine the two communication channels. Present throughout the world, the tool is ideal for companies with an international clientele. Many steps in the process can be automated and planned, making it easier to set up SMS marketing campaigns. The analysis is not limited to SMS marketing only but also compares it to your other marketing strategies. Sending marketing SMS is only possible with a paid Pro subscription at Omnisend.


TextMagic is a very user-friendly SMS marketing tool. With its clear price calculator, you know in advance the exact cost of an SMS marketing campaign. Contacts are automatically checked and filtered in case of doubt. It is also possible to convert emails into SMS and the tool includes a complete feedback solution. TextMagic offers SMS marketing in over 190 countries, in many different languages.

First steps in SMS marketing

SMS marketing is relatively simple, however it is better to plan your strategy well. It starts with the careful and patient creation of a mailing list. As mentioned above, contacts must have given consent, which may take some time. Use this time to promote your campaign online for example, by email or through brochures and flyers. Once you have enough subscribers, launch your SMS marketing campaigns.

SMS-Marketing and best practices

Obviously, it is you who decide the nature and content of your SMS marketing campaign. However, certain elements are the mark of a good campaign:


By leaving you their telephone number, people tell you their trust. This must be taken into account for the sake of your brand. This not only means that you should use the number sparingly, but also that you should remember to make unsubscribing as easy as possible.


Be economical with the number of your SMS sent, but also pay attention to the quality of their content. Advertising messages quickly become boring, which is why the recipients of your SMS campaigns must immediately see the added value. A professional and friendly message helps your customers feel in good hands.


Do not see SMS marketing as a method of advertising or information. Do not hesitate to actively ask for feedback or respond to the reactions you have received, this allows you to create a bond with your customers.

SMS marketing, a channel that is worth it

Whether it is promoting your business, your services, a new product, news about your restaurant or in the field of non-commercial marketing: SMS marketing is a often underestimated tool to reach your customers and refine your link. This is why this method should complement your other content marketing tools or newsletters via Mailchimp and its alternatives.

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