Linux rpm is a free program that can be used in particular under Ubuntu for managing rpm packages. The Linux command provides many options for installing, analyzing, and refreshing packages.
What is Linux rpm?¶
Linux rpm is a command line tool primarily used for manage rpm packages. It is particularly used by commercial software manufacturers. Initially, it was not designed for Linux. The rpm command stands for Red Hat Package Manager. It has been developed and marketed as free software since 1997 by the North American company Red Hat. Today, Linux rpm is an independent project under the GPL license. Its main functions are to install and uninstall software, manage configuration data and consider constraints.
How does the rpm command work?¶
Before you can use the rpm command in Linux, package management must first be installed. She should not be used in addition to dpkg, because the two management systems are not always compatible. The installation of rpm is executed by the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install rpm
Once installed, the program can be used with the rpm command.
What is the syntax of the rpm command?¶
The basic syntax of Linux rpm is as follows:
$ rpm [Options] [Nom du paquet]
In addition to the command itself, you can use the options to determine which specific program functions to execute. It is also possible to process multiple packages with one command. Simply indicate them one after the other, separating them only by a space.
What are the rpm options?¶
Linux rpm stands out in particular for analysis, installation, uninstallation and package search. The command has many options that you can view with the following command:
Among the main options are:
- -e or –erase : with this command you delete an rpm packet.
- -i or –install : use this option when you want to install an rpm package.
- -K or –checksig : this option allows you to check the integrity of a packet and detect potential errors beforehand.
- -q or –query : This option displays all available information about installed packages. You have the possibility to further specify this request.
- -U or –upgrade : with this option you refresh an rpm package.
- -V or –verify : This option checks the integrity of a package and includes erroneous or modified files.
Examples of using the rpm command¶
To better understand how the rpm command works, we present some other examples of using the command.
Here you call up a description of the package.
With this command you receive a list of all installed rpm packages.
$ rpm -i Paket1.rpm Paket2.rpm
Here you install both packages.
With this command you uninstall Package1.rpm. Uninstalling rpm packages that you installed with Linux rpm should always be done with the same program.