Digital Communication


Digital Communication

Outlook smileys: how to use smileys in Microsoft Outlook


Microsoft Outlook 2021, thanks to the already mentioned Unicode support, offers an extremely wide choice of emojis. Currently, this is up to Unicode version 12.0 of 2019, which means that only the copies of 2020 and 2021, i.e. the most recent, are not available. On the Unicode site, you can consult a full list of all emoji versions.

There are three ways to embed Outlook smileys in your emails:

Option 1: manually type the most common smileys

If you are somewhat familiar with smileys, you can simply type one of many character combinations known, and it will automatically be replaced by an emoticon on Outlook. The Microsoft software uses the AutoCorrect function, in which appropriate replacement mechanisms are defined. If you enter the string 🙂 anywhere in your message, the smiling emoji smiley will automatically appear in Outlook:

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