Digital Communication


Digital Communication

Newsletter analysis and optimization


There are several programs for evaluating the success of your email marketing campaigns. Many of them offer packages with many features. Apps like MailChimp, Newsletter2Go And CleverReach (these programs are free for a limited number of emails) include dedicated marketing functionality, as well as GetResponse And CampaignMonitor. These tools also include the following features:

  • An editor for creating newsletters
  • The possibility of sending the newsletter directly via the program
  • An evaluation of the campaigns carried out
  • A recipient list administration database

In addition, the aforesaid programs include a functionality of test A/B, whereby at least two versions of the newsletter are sent to pre-define the percentage of subscriptions. The objectives are defined according to several criteria (for example KPIs such as a high opening rate or click rate) and several versions of the newsletter are sent to a test sample. After analyzing the tracking results, the version that performed best against the predefined results is selected and sent to the rest of the recipients. A/B testing is a great feature if you have a sufficient sample of subscribers to produce meaningful results. This method allows the newsletter to quickly adapt to the preferences of the target group.

Every professional email tracking program measures the click through rateTHE deliverability rateTHE churn rate and the the opening rate (taking into account the non-delivery rate). Newsletter2Go, CleverRanch and MailChimp additionally offer the following features:

  • Of the click maps or some heat maps to illustrate the data obtained
  • A geolocation for locating and assigning recipients
  • Compatibility with Google Analytics

Additionally, most email tracking programs have other features useful for analysis. From simple features like automatically creating a printable version of the analysis to more advanced features like previewing newsletters across different mediums, there are plenty of options for your newsletter analytics. Our IONOS digital guide helps you compare the best email marketing software, along with detailed information on their respective features.

In addition to specific programs for marketing, there are tools and plugins for tracking newsletters. Google Analytics, in particular, makes it possible to see whether recipients have opened the newsletter. Some WordPress plugins, like Tribulant Newsletters and SendPress Newsletters, are more comprehensive. MailChimp, Newsletter2Go and a few other programs also offer specific extensions for WordPress.

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