Digital Communication


Digital Communication

NETSTAT: netstat commands for Windows, Mac and Linux


Terminal is also the command line tool of choice on Mac devices when it comes to running netstat commands. To call it, you have two convenient options: Spotlight search and the menu « Utilities ».

Launching via Spotlight search works as follows:

  1. Open Spotlight search by clicking magnifying glass icon in the menu bar or by using the key combination [Commande] + [barre d’espace].
  2. Enter « terminal » in the search field.
  3. Launch the tool by double-clicking on the corresponding search result.

Via the “Utilities” menu, start the terminal as follows:

  1. Go to your desktop.
  2. Click in the menu bar on the option  » Go to « .
  3. Select « Utilities ».
  4. Open the terminal by double-clicking on the corresponding entry.

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