Digital Communication


Digital Communication

How to recover a deleted contact on WhatsApp?


As already mentioned, the WhatsApp contact list is based on the phone memory contact list. If contacts disappear, it is possible to solve the problem by a simple manual synchronization of WhatsApp and smartphone. To do this, three options are possible.

Update contact list (Android) :

  1. Open WhatsApp and tap on thegreen bubble icon at the bottom right.
  2. Tap the three-dot icon at the top right and  » Refresh « .
  3. The contact list in WhatsApp is now updated.

Sync WhatsApp Account (Android) :

  1. Open the menu  » Settings from the phone.
  2. In the list of settings, tap  » Accounts « .
  3. Select « WhatsApp » and tap  » Account synchronization « .
  4. Your WhatsApp contacts are now synced with the contacts in your device’s memory.

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