Digital Communication


Digital Communication

Easily delete your Uber account – IONOS


When you delete your Uber account through the app or website, it is deactivated first. Definitive deletion only takes placeafter 30 days. To automatically cancel this deletion, simply log in to the platform with your credentials during this period. Once the 30 days have passed, you can verify that your account has been deleted by trying to log in again using your credentials. After this time, your rewards, credits or other benefits (if you had any) are also removed.

In addition to the Uber application dedicated to transport services, you also used the delivery service Uber Eats ? Be aware that you can deactivate and delete your Uber Eats account by following this process. Indeed, the two accounts are linked.

Note: if you did not provide a valid mobile phone number when creating your Uber account, you will not be able to delete it using the verification code. If so, send an email to the provider asking them to help you deactivate your account.

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