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Digital Communication

Lazy Loading WordPress: explanation and tutorial


The Lazy Loading function is an integral part of WordPress, and it is not possible to disable it intuitively. That’s why WordPress doesn’t have a similar function in its own settings either. Nevertheless, you will notice that it can be useful to deactivate this function, in particular if you use a plugin with a Lazy Loading option. This allows to avoid conflicts between the two functions.

It is possible to deactivate it by using the a3 Lazy Load plugin presented above, for example. The plug-in Disable Lazy Load is even specially programmed for this purpose. You just have to activate it so that the function that the default Lazy Loading in WordPress no longer works.

However, a plugin is not essential for this operation. The function can also be deactivated with a source code entry. Before that, create a child theme to ensure that your changes won’t just be overwritten, even after updating the theme. Then go to the Appearance > Theme Editor menu in the WordPress dashboard and view the file functions.php to add a new line:

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