Digital Communication


Digital Communication

Create a private site with a password and a member area


A conversion generally refers to an online marketing process in which a user becomes a customer through an action, for example by buying a product. In the case of a website with a member’s area, you are faced with the question of how best to turn transient users into registered members and paying customers in the best of cases.

To optimize the conversion rate, it is essential to design the terms of membership attractively on your website as well as the offers on it. This project pays off when you meet user needs. Do you have a wellness website? In this case, it is interesting to offer a space reserved for members to buy massages and yoga classes. Do you run a blog around the kitchen? You can then encourage registered users to regularly inform themselves about new recipes by means of a newsletter.

In addition to the type of content offered, the volume of content provided can also be a determining factor. Many member areas mix various contents. A combination of community forum, special offers (product) and consumable media leaves a positive impression and encourages users to conclude a membership.

Otherwise, you can also use technical tools to increase your conversion rate. This encompasses advertising measures such as advertisements and newsletters, but also the use of SEO.

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